I am Shreedhar Govil, I am currently pursuing my masters in Artificial Intelligence from the University of Zurich, Switzerland. I completed my Bachelors in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics from IIIT-Delhi. I am actively looking for challenging roles in Computer Vision, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Software Development. I also have interests in UI/UX and Human Computer Interaction.

Selected Projects

  • Audio Visual Consistency Detection: A novel architecture to detect fake videos by learning the temporal and spatial association of the face structure of a person. This can be potentially used to effectively detect fake video in almost every setting regardless of the forgery method.

  • SemiGo: An app that matches peers together who’s destinations are near your own and around similar time. Thus enabling them book their cab and travel together. The UI is designed by keeping various design techniques in mind and made such that it is very intuitive to the user.

  • Samurai Humanoid Robotic Hand: 3D printed humanoid hand capable of grasping and holding objects and can be controlled via muscle sensors, voice sensors and remote control. Useful for amputees and extreme climate conditions. Controlled by Arduino Board.

  • Removal of rain from single images using CNN: Program that can remove rain from rainy images. Implemented and studied using various CNN based deep learning and image processing methods.

  • Website for MAMC Anaethesia Update: Created and maintained wesbite for MAMC Anaesthesia Update teaching course for the year 2018 and 2019. Website implemented in Jekyll.

  • Vehicle Driving Assistant: Modeling and implementation of a vehicle driving assistant program capable of detecting lanes, traffic signs, pedestrians and cars. Implemented using image processing and deep learning techniques.

  • Facial Recognition of Macaque Rhesus: Facial recognition of Macaque Rhesus (Monkeys) using CNN and SVM in python.

  • New Aggregator: News Aggregator that uses my favorite sources. Extracts, processes and displays them using RSS feeds, JavaScript, and HTML.

  • Event Based Audio Classification: Construction a classification model for sound clips from Google’s Audio-set to be categorized into different classes by using advanced deep learning techniques and algorithms.

Programming Skills

  • Languages: JAVA, Python, C++, MATLAB, HTML, R
  • Tools: Bash, Git/ GitHub, Android Studio
  • Frameworks: Scikit-learn, Pytorch, Tensorflow, Jekyll

Personal Interests

I like to read books and sometimes play video games.

Favorite Books

  • 21 Lessons for the 21st Century
  • Dune
  • Made in Japan
  • Crime and Punishment
  • 1984

Favorite Games

  • Uncharted 4
  • Spiderman
  • Horizon Zero Dawn
  • Red Dead Redemption 2
  • God of War